Our client is one of the largest (or the largest) media house in India.
Circulation Management
A cloud based solution using ORACLE and C#
The media house had to monitor issues and returns (both numbers / quantity and money $) of its multiple publications for upto 6 tiers of distributors / sellers / re-sellers.
From : Region > State > City > Area > SubArea > Agent. It was not remunerative or effective to have to deal with all levels.
A smart multi tier application was developed wherein one could get a top level MACRO view and then drill down to micro views if required.
Mini portals were designed wherein each level / stakeholder was able to view his / her order details and drill down from there on.
Additionally : Windfall Enterprises developed a responsive website as an adjunct so that all mobiles of all sizes are able to effectively view the relevant modules.
The transparency brought by automating the order distribution and returns processes drastically reduced the number of disputes while greatly improving the information sharing amongst all constituents.
This project resulted in a UK based media distribution firm engaging us for the complete digital management of their outdoor assets (billboards, street furniture, bus kiosks etc.)
From listing; to demographics -- like evening / morning traffic facing; vacancy levels etc. -- we automated the entire process management of such assets,
treating each Asset as a Profit Centre, fully integrated with Accounts.