A multi billion dollar group, headquartered in Singapore, with varied interests in agri products, textiles, oil, trading etc.
The Group has firms / subsidiaries across Asia, Africa and Europe.
It was a challenge to consolidate accounts -- from voucher posting to preparation of individual and consolidated Trial Balances, P&L statements / Balance Sheets,
for multiple firms which have ::
Differing year end closing [ Jan - Dec / April - Mar / July - June ]
Multiple currencies -- Base Currency / Local currency / Transaction currency / Global reporting currency
Multiple sites / geographies
Differing year end (or month end) processes (akin to Reversing Journals) for different firms
Highly specific and customized Cash Flow processes and reporting
A true 3-tier cloud solution with SQL as the backend with ASP.net frameworks and C# as code behind.
An integrated solution which allowed management to drill down from top level integrated reports to lower level - all the way till the voucher.
A modern solution that offers the advantages of a cloud solution viz. Anywhere, anytime, any device access.
Bringing so many disparate systems under one umbrella = an enjoyable and a far less cumbersome experience for all stakeholders (Management, Finance, IT, Audit).
Enhanced reporting and control using modern (and visual) tools.
The ability to successfully deliver and consolidate such a complex accounting platform was an achievement in itself.