We are a pure play SOFTWARE company
We love what we do and we specialize and excel at it
We are based in INDIA -- Mumbai and Pune
with marketing / liaison offices in Singapore & Hong Kong
CELEBRATING 15 years + of experience
* 0.5 million + coding man hours
* 25+ hardcore code jocks
* 100 + happy clients with 200+ projects deployed
Project Footprint :
India, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Qatar, UAE, UK, USA
SMAC stack is driving business innovation
Get connected to the digital world.
Integrate your software / apps with social media and drive traffic and orders.
By 2017, more than 60 % of users will use a smartphone first for all online activities.
To get the competitive edge, your IT systems need to be mobile enabled (as of yesterday).
Convert tons of data into that one singular meaningful insight. e.g. Transport firms (fleet of trucks) can drive efficiency by accurately comparing cost per ton km.
Get the advantage of the CLOUD.
AAA -- any time, any where, any device access.
Run your business and leave the IT details to us.
Touch enabled, fluid navigation and blazing speeds.
UI / UX or user interface is paramount. We pay attention to details to ensure a great experience, by integrating our apps with your mobile camera, GPS, gyroscope. We enable touch, swipe, pinch gestures to create wow effects with end users.
Sales Rep Expense Management | Jewelry Catalog and Orders | Project Management | Full fledged Finance and Accounts | End to end Recruitment | etc.
It is imperative that the app works smoothly and feels intuitive. BOTH should be given equal emphasis. We design and code with a focus on the end user and from a business / transaction viewpoint -- NOT from a technical perspective only.
100% Shrink wrapped and Mobile enabled PRODUCTS hosted on the cloud.
Our 100+ clients and are our best references.
We have 200+ successful deployments across domains and industries.
We have more than 500,000 man hours of expertise.
India, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore,
Qatar, UAE, UK, USA, Vietnam
75% of our clients are repeat clients -- our best reference.
Our library of components allow a rapid ramp up within the committed time frame and with adherence to quality
No excuses. No fine print.
We have been in the business for 15+ years.
We have good will and we go the extra mile to protect it.
We are there to support you.
The Customer is not an interruption in our work ; He is the Purpose of it. -- Mahatma Gandhi
Together Everyone Achieves More
From nerds / geeks to athletes to musicians and philosophers.
We are a lively bunch here at WINDFALL !!
What do we share in common (beyond our effervescent charm and dashing good looks) ??
We all feel passionate about Technology and delivering business re-defining products.
Two decades of business and technical experience. Always ready for a chat , a coffee or a drink DD has an MS degree from UIUC (USA).
The buck stops here for all things tech.
RR holds a MCA and a black belt in SQL.
Revyaanshu is a social animal. He leads the Biz Dev / Marketing function. Chat up with him to learn more about Windfall.
Swati is the liaison between the clients and the tech team. She leads the Customer Support function. Always smiling and ever ready to help.
Or follow us on the social platform